1/2 kl Pork Kasim with out skin(chopped)
1/2 kl Shrimp(deviened and chopped)
1 tbsp Salt
1/2 tbsp Sugar
1 tbsp chicken Powder
1 tbsp Sesame Oil
1 tbsp Onions(chopped)
3 tbsps Cornstarch
1 pc Egg(scrambled)
1 pc big Petchay, blanched
1. Mix all the Ingredients except for the petchay, mix well.
2. Get a spoonful of the mixture, put and roll inside the blanched petchay, folding the sides in the middle before rolling it to full.
3. Boil water in a pan, season with salt, pepper, pour in the cornstartch mixture(cornstarch in water), stir in the scrambled egg, add a couple drops of sesame oil. Simmer.
4. Slowly put in the rolled Empress Roll to the Pan, cook for 10 minutes.